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Weight Loss for Dummies: Easy?

Most people draw the conclusion that if weight loss were easy, everyone would be able to do it. Well, the truth of the matter is that weight loss is easy – at least in premise. The difficulty level comes in the form of actually maintaining a healthy diet and exercise regimen. But for the simple formula of dieting, every program is essentially weight loss for dummies.
You could definitely go purchase the Weight Loss for Dummies book and find out every piece of common sense info you’ve ever wanted to know, or you can take a little bit of time out of your day to learn about how ridiculously easy it is for anyone’s body to shed pounds.
You do not need a slew of weight loss medications or expensive surgeries, nor do you need expert guidance and memberships to monthly clubs. To effectively lose weight, you only need to understand one main principle – the fewer calories you consume and the more active you are, the more weight you will lose.
Weight Loss Explained
Some overweight people will go through the entire lives blaming their weight on “big bones” or a slow metabolism. Some even insist that weight loss is impossible for them. Only in rare cases would this be true. A thyroid issue or some other medical impediment has been known to occasionally thwart someone’s weight loss efforts. But by and large, everyone can lose weight if they simply understand how to go about the battle.
First and foremost, weight gain happens for only one reason – an individual consumes more calories than he or she burns off. Calories are energy, fuel for our bodies, and every 3,500 calories ingested equals one pound. Over time, if you are not burning these calories off, they are stored as fat in your body.
Fat, in essence, is nothing more than reserve energy for your body. An overweight person will never have an energy crisis, just look at it that way.
By burning off more calories than you take in, you can reverse the trend and begin to burn your body’s fat stores and literally melt that fat away. Now, there are many steps you can take along the way to increase the effectiveness of any diet, but understanding the caloric formula is how you or anyone else can get started with weight loss.
Weight Loss for Dummies: Easy? Weight Loss for Dummies: Easy? Reviewed by Willsonzuke on December 10, 2015 Rating: 5

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